humus|humous in English


[hu·mus || 'hjuːməs]

rich soil formed from decayed matte

Use "humus|humous" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "humus|humous" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "humus|humous", or refer to the context using the word "humus|humous" in the English Dictionary.

1. 7 Try humus on wheat pita bread.

2. 10 Hi - rich humus, the soil of Micro.

3. The support comprises a three dimensional humus matrix lattice.

4. A-horizon - the top layer of a soil profile; usually contains humus A horizon humus - partially decomposed organic matter; the organic component of

5. The experimental base soil used was humus-rich sand.

6. 9 Humus is dead, decaying organic matter. NOT inorganic fertilizer.

7. 8 Yellow hill mud also is acidity, contain humus less.

8. This decayed biomass forms humus, which is food for the forest.

9. They generate the humus soils across the landmasses of Earth.

10. 1 Also the humus from decaying plants is washed down.

11. 14 Try bean dips, humus and other fun sauces on your vegetables.

12. The best dispensation for the highest surviving rate 98% is to mix the perlite, vermiculite and humous as the rate of

13. 21 Cultivation: The planting medium should contain a good amount of humus.

14. 4 Humus: The end product of decomposed organic matter such as leaves.

15. 3 The dark humus deposits inside burial mounds were used as fertiliser.

16. 18 When the humus has been formed,( plants can grow well in it.

17. With erosion, the fine layer of humus, which took thousands of years to form, disappears.

18. They make the humus, the fertile layer to which all life on land is linked.

19. 27 Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture.

20. 30 Plants grow in soil which has a dark colour . This dark soil is humus.

21. Dark color of the A horizon is due to the mixing of humus with mineral

22. The humus layer of the alluvial meadow soil is 100-110 cm deep, light in colour, the value of the humus is 1,5 % and the flowing subsoil water is at a depth of 120-140 cm from the surface.

23. 25 When the manures rot down they add organic matter to the soil, which turns into humus.

24. 20 Effects of potassium humate on the soil humus, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in Huangguan pears were studied.

25. 6 They require a fine tilth with plenty of humus and moisture, and are slow growing.